miércoles, 28 de abril de 2010


Este post es de unas dietas que me paso una prin en facebook.. En realidad son dietas o mejor.. planes caloricos para anas.. espero q les guste... ( ahmm estan en ingles... sobra decirlo jeje) pero no es dificil de entender... estan en niveles de dificultad, el color verde es facil, naranja es un poco mas dificil , morado es mas dificil aún y rojo es lo mas dificil pero lo que mas peso hace perder.. entonces aqui estan:

Rainbow Glow Program (RGP)

This is a challenging program to help you distiguish and appreciate art.
Good for People who...
Like art
Like colors and appreciate food
Want something challenging
Like limited choices.
Like to fast
Bad for People who...
Don't like thinking of what they eat
Don't like Art
Don't like limited choices.
Like day's off.
You follow the colors the days!!!
the diet:::
Monday (white):
Breakfast: ½ apple (40.5 cals)
Lunch: ½ apple (40.5 cals)
Dinner: 1 cucumber (24 cals)
Total: 105 cals
Tuesday (yellow):
Breakfast: 1 banana (108.5 cals)
Lunch: 1 banana (108.5 cals)
Dinner: ½ cup corn (66 cals)
Total: 283 cals
Wednesday (clear):
Breakfast: Water (0 cals)
Lunch: Water (0 cals)
Dinner: Water (0 cals)
Total: 0 cals
Thursday (orange):
Breakfast: ½ orange (31 cals)
Lunch: ½ orange (31 cals)
Dinner: 1 carrot (26 cals)
Total: 88 cals
Friday (red):
Breakfast: ½ cup strawberries (21.5 cals)
Lunch: ½ cup strawberries (21.5 cals)
Dinner: ½ red pepper (16 cals)
Total: 59 cals
Saturday (purple/blue):
Breakfast: 10 blueberries (8 cals)
Lunch: 10 blueberries (8 cals)
Dinner: 10 raspberries (24 cals)
Total: 40 cals

Sunday (green):
Breakfast: ½ cup grapes (57 cals)
Lunch: ½ grapes (57 cals)
Dinner: 1 cup lettuce (7 cals)
Total: 121 cals

Week total: 696 cals
*In this program you will not have day's off...everyday will be a challenge.

the workout:::
You must exercise at least 30 minutes a day.

Organic Way Program (OWP)

This is a program to teach you or help you become vegan.
It's not strictly vegan so don't complain to me that "oh this should
not be called a vegan program because you are allowed fish..blah blah"
It's for those who are making the transition to becoming vegan.

Good for People who...
Like veggies
Are Peta activist
Who love animals and believe in animal cruelty
Want to avoid bad proteins
Don't like to count calories
Want a change!

Bad for People who...
Are meat eaters
Can't live without meat.
Like to count calories
Can never think of being vegan.

You must keep an an account of all the veggies you are eating
and or fruits.

the diet:::
You can eat unlimited fruits and veggies.
Always opt for non fat cooking methods like steaming.

Proteins allowed -this is optional if you must then you must
Eggs,whole or whites only

Allowed drinks incl. water, coffee, diet sodas, 100% natural squeezed juices,
(when I say natural I mean you squeezed it or someone made it right there out of
natural fruits)
1% or fat free milk.
You don't have to count the calories of this things.

the workout:::
You must exercise at least 30 minutes a day.

Apple a Day Program (ADP)
This is a program for the fruit lovers in all of us.

Good for People who...
Like Fruits..especially Apples
Have access to fruit everyday
Don't like meat
Are peta members.

Bad for People who...
Don't like fruit
Hardly have fruit around in the house
Love meat wayyy too much
Eat a lot.

You must choose one fruit a day.

the diet:::
You will pick one fruit for the day.
this will be your breakfast...

by lunch time you are allowed a meal of 300 calories.
Healthy meal..preferably consisted of very little meat if at all...

You must eat this fruit throught out the day..Example..I pick
an apple of course...I can eat it in the morning..
then I can drink apple juice...then I can eat the apple puree....
but I cannot eat an apple pie!!!

Always make sure is healthy for you to eat...This doesn't mean
because you picked cherries to go eat cherry icecream. or something like that...

No eating fruit after 7pm.
Only water allowed or fruit juice of whatever fruit you have picked.

the workout:::
You must exercise at least 30 minutes a day.

Little Red Ruby Program (LRP)
This is a a good program great for weightloss and for a great challenge!

Good for People who...
Are already vegetarians
Want a strict program
Don't like to eat meat
Think eating animals is wrong
Are serious about challenges

Bad for People who...
Don't like strict programs
Can't commit
Love to eat meat
Hate veggies

You must follow the diet how it is....

the Rules:::
1. University week runs for 5 days each week, ONE ‘treat’ will be allowed on each Saturdays and Sunday, but on these days you are still required to exercise restraint. You don’t want to spend each week making up for your weekends!

2. Only foods on the ‘A’ list can be consumed. (See below) It seems SUPER restrictive, but as soon as you get into it, it all just becomes automatic!

3. A maximum of 800 calories can be consumed each day, this MUST be eaten only between the times of 9am and 7pm. You may not eat outside these times.

4. Everything you consume MUST be recorded, along with the time of day, who was with you, how you felt when you chose to eat it – this must be written down BEFORE you eat it.

5. At least 45 minutes of exercise MUST be performed each day. Always walk up stairs and escalators, don’t stop moving!

6. You MUST ‘drinking liquids’ fast at least one day each week (24 hours, black coffee, herbal tea, diet coke, water), or alternatively you can ‘liquids’ fast for two consecutive days (48 hours).

7. On the 30th of July you will be required to do an ‘full moon fast ‘. This will be a 48/60 hour fast. This corresponds with the full moon, and is traditionally used in many Eastern countries as a ‘cleansing’ ritual.

8. Start collecting thinspo, this can range from actual pictures, to memories you can tie around your wrists, drawings, an old silk scarf, collect things that can remind you of your goals and wear them.

9. At the beginning of each week (Monday) you must set three goals for yourself to follow throughout the week, these goals will help you focus your attention on something, it can be anything from ‘eliminating a certain food’ to ‘get better at sharing’. It could be advisable to make 1 goal personal, exercise driven, and one about food.

10. If you feel yourself losing it you must stop and take 10 minutes to ‘calm down’, feel whatever is making you want to binge and get rid of the feeling. Make the conscious decision to ‘stop’ before you start. Investigate different methods of dealing with this feeling – go running, put on a great song and dance, go for a walk in the sunshine, write in a diary, read a book, sit on your hands. Try everything to find out what works for you!

Here goes…
If your pinned down an force fed meat, chicken and turkey are ok (don’t get me wrong its NOT allowed, but once in the month is ok).

Good…carp, cod, salmon, sardine, whitefish, tuna
Bad…anchovy, bass, crab, lobster, smoked salmon, mussels, octopus, oysters, scallop, shrimp, calamari

Good…soya cheese, soya milk, goats milk, oat milk, mozzarella (low-fat), ricotta (low-fat), string cheese, yoghurt with fruit, frozen yoghurt
Bad…ALL OTHER COWS MILK DAIRY including milk and cheese

Good…pumpkin seeds, almonds, sunflower seeds
Bad… all other nuts including pistachio and cashew

Beans etc.
Good…black beans, (fresh) green beans, pinto beans, soy beans, red/green/black lentils, black eyed peas, cannelloni beans, string beans, white beans, green peas, snow peas
Bad… kidney beans, lima beans, navy beans, red beans

Good…kasha, barley, cornflakes, cornmeal, oat bran, oatmeal, puffed rice, rice bran, spelt, couscous, Quinoa, all types of rice
Bad…WHEAT, granola, grape nuts, white/whole wheat flour

Good…ezekiel bread, soya-flour bread, sprouted-wheat bread, rice cakes, brown rice bread, corn muffins, gluten free bread, oat bran muffins, 100% rye bread, rye vita, spelt bread, wasa bread
Bad…multigrain bread, English muffins, pumpernickel, whole wheat bread

Good…alfalfa, artichokes, asparagus, avocado, beets, bok choy broccoli, carrots, collard greens, cauliflower, celery, corn, cucumber, endive, fennel, green olivesgarlic, leek, lettuce, red/yellow onions, parsley, parsnips, pumpkin, spinach, squash, tofu, turnips, zucchini
Bad…cabbage, eggplant, black olives, domestic mushrooms, peppers, sweet potatoes, all types of potatoes, tomatoes

Good…Apricots, apples, grapes, kiwi, limes ALL BERRIES, cherries, figs (dried and fresh), lemons, canang/casaba/christmas/crenshaw melon, watermelon, nectarines, peaches, pears, raisins, pineapple, plums, prunes
Bad…bananas, coconuts, mangoes, cantaloupe, honeydew melon, oranges, paw paw, rhubarb, tangerine

Good…FRESH (self squeezed) juices from the ‘good’ fruits above
Bad…as above

Good…Molasses, garlic, ginger, miso, soy sauce, dark chocolate, brown sugar, all herbs, mustard, jam/jelly (from the good fruits list)
Bad…capers, all types of pepper, all types of vinegar, ketchup, mayo, pickles

Tea etc.
Good…Chamomile, Echinacea, ginger, ginseng, green tea, rosehips, st. johns wart, peppermint, raspberry leaf, dandelion, mulberry, coffee, red/ white wine
Bad…cayenne, rhubarb, beer, liquors, seltzer water.

Green Tea Program (GTP)
This is a very challenging program created by my buddy Zoe..
so full credit goes to her for this one!

Good for People who...
Like Green Tea or any other type of tea
Want a limited amount of food
Have control to make wise choices.
Like counting Calories
Like picking their own foods to eat
Like to try new things

Bad for People who...
Get bored of the same thing
Don't like Green tea or any type of tea
Can't seem to make wise food choices
Don't like to count calories
Love Coffee or Soda.

You must keep an accurate account of your foods
you consume.

the diet:::
You will eat 3 times a day.
This is going to be set up like this

Breakfast: 300 calories
Lunch: 200 calories
mini snack before 7pm: 100 calories

The whole point of this is to eat a lot in the morning and then reduce the amount of food throught out the day.
No eating after 7pm.
No dinner type binging.

You are allowed unlimmitted amounts of green tea of course or any type of tea.
No soda's, or diet or coffee on this diet.

the workout:::
You must exercise at least 30 minutes of cardio a day.

Your Choice Program (YCP)

This is a very challenging program that will make your body eat
specific food groups throughout the day.
Good for People who...
Don't like variety
Don't like counting calories
Have control to make wise choices.
Like to eat small
Don't have a problem with eating only one thing a day.
Bad for People who...
Eat a lot
Like variety
Get tired or bored of things fast

Each day you will pick from the chart. Depending on the day...that's what you will pick to eat.
the diet:::
You must pick
M-one veggie & protein
T- your choice of carb & protein
W-one veggie & protein
T-your choice of carb & protein
F- one drink, & protein & veggie

Example if I pick for tuesday, wheat bread with ham. then I can make a sandwich. I can eat
toast in the morning, and then latter I can eat ham as a snack.
be creative. you know what you eat better than anyone. If you like salads with chicken..then that could
be a choice. Make this work for you.

You can eat fruit unlimited everyday.
also you can add seasonings..like salt, lemon. sauces. dressings..but not heavy cream based like ranch. Those are no-no's.
Anything that looks watery I'm fine. You can't add topings such as "cheese" to your sandwich let's say. Also no butter.
Only pam spray or olive oil is fine. also canola oil.

Make wise choices...that will make you lose weight.
Allowed drinks: Water except for the day you get to choose your drink
which can be anything from diet soda to milk to juice. or coffee.
the workout:::
You must exercise at least 30 minutes a day. I wouldn't recommend more
since your body will be not getting enough nutrients.

the distractions:::
You must keep track of how many things you do eat thought. Like back to the
apples. Try to keep it a low number. Only 4. times to eat.
So don't O.D on apples and eat like 30 apples that day!!!

2 comentarios:

How to lose weight fast? dijo...

The American people also assume that overweight people would be just as healthy as skinny people if they lost weight but there is no way to judge whether someone would be healthier or not until he or she loses the weight. The last thing that the American people falsely believe is that fat people can always choose to be thinner. Once a person becomes overweight, it is extremely hard for him or her to lose weight because diets do not work. All of these misconceptions are widely believed rumors in America that the diet industry pushes the public to believe.It is perceived as common knowledge that if a person is fat he or she must be unhealthy, which is not necessarily true. Society perceives overweight people as being unhealthy and thin people as being in shape which is not true. Kelly Bliss is a fifty year-old woman who is five foot two and weighs almost 200 pounds classifying her as obese on the BMI system of measurement; however, Bliss has an extremely healthy blood pressure of 100/50 and has healthy levels of cholesterol and sugar in her blood (Kluger). If Bliss’ information was put in front of a panel of doctors without her weight displayed, she would automatically be ruled as healthy.

Lose weight quickly dijo...

Health; This may seem obvious to many people out there, but it may not to others. If you indeed need motivation to lose weight, health is a big factor here. I am not just saying this for the sake of it, but when I started to engage myself very seriously in abs workout and other various types of exercise, I found that I was not prone to getting flu or other types of diseases that I used to get before. In fact, from several months of fitness exercises, I can authoritatively say that I have not seen the insides of a hospital, let alone taking any type of medication for ages. I cannot even remember when I last did!